Restraining Orders
Are you in need of a restraining order?
If you are in an abusive relationship, you can get a restraining order as a step to protect yourself. Along with a restraining order, there are also laws to protect you. You do have an option of leaving the abusive relationship. We have advocates who can support you in leaving safely here at Option House Inc, along with support from police, social workers, shelter workers, and friends and family.
Domestic Violence Restraining Order
A judge can grant a restraining order to protect someone, their children, their property, or their pets. Once a judge grants a restraining order, the police can be called to enforce the order.
A domestic violence restraining order can include these types of orders:
No contact
Not harass, stalk, threaten or harm people protected by the order
Stay away by a certain distance
Move out from a home that is shared with the protected person
Not have guns, firearms, or ammunition
Pay spousal support, if you are married
Pay child support, if you have children together
The judge can also make orders about child custody if you have children together.
For more information, check out this link: Domestic Violence Restraining Orders in California | California Courts | Self Help Guide
Gun Violence Restraining Order
A Gun Violence Restraining Order is a court order that prohibits someone from having a gun, ammunition or magazines (ammunition storage and feeding devices).
It can order someone to:
Not have (possess or own) a gun, ammunition or magazines;
Not buy a gun, ammunition, or magazines; and
Turn in any guns, ammunition and magazines to the police, sell them to or store them with a licensed gun dealer.
A Gun Violence Restraining Order cannot order someone to:
stay away from you or your family members;
not contact or go near you, your children, other relatives, or others who live with you;
stop abuse or harassment; or
move out of your house.
For more information, check out this link Gun Violence Restraining Orders - abuse_firearms_selfhelp (